Poltergeist II发布于May 23, 1986. 在Poltergeist II里, 为了安定下心情Freeling一家人搬到Diane's的母亲家居住。可是那只怪兽还没放弃,以传教师Reverend Kane的身份接近他们。Reverend Kane信奉邪教,害死了许多跟随他的教徒。他的目的只有一个—得到Carol Anne。利用他们一家人爱的力量,还有Tangina的特异功能和一位印地安人,他们团结一致对抗邪恶。
记得戏里出名的圣歌吗?它是存在的,可以在一本书里《Hymns of the spirit: God Is in His Holy Temple》找到。
God is in his holy temple. Earthly thoughts be silent now,
While with rev'rence we assemble And before his presence bow.
He is with us, now and ever, When we call upon his name,
Aiding ev'ry good endeavor, Guiding ev'ry upward aim.
God is in his holy temple, in the pure and holy mind,
In the rev'rent heart and simple, In the soul from sin refined.
Banish then each base emotion. Lift us up, O Lord, to thee;
Let our souls, in pure devotion, Temples for thy worship be
根据一些资料说"Henry Kane"在实际上是存在的。他是在California或者Northern Mexico的Utopian Cult当教师。他带同众信徒进入山洞然后以巨石封锁(说是耶稣的坟幕),等待世界末日的降临。可是没有来临。
有些人认为Kane这个人是不存在的,他是圣经里记载的凯恩Cain。[Cain, who asked mountain/earth to fall upon/hide him. Cain slays his brother, Kane slays his "Brothers".]
Julian Beck (Henry Kane) 在摄影Poltergeist II时身患胃癌,因此在戏里显得特别的“死气”。Julian在1985去世,在摄影Poltergeist II: The Other Side中途去世。可惜他没能看见自己的强劲演技。
你知道吗?Poltergeist 3 是为了纪念已故的Heather O'Rourke(Carol Anne)而播放的……
在February 1, 1988, O'Rourke因痛述胸口疼痛而被急送往San Diego的Children's Hospital and Health Center。
“Hospital spokesman Vincent Bond announced that O'Rourke died that day during a surgery attempting to repair a congenital acute bowel obstruction (stenosis of the intestine) which was complicated by septic shock; this report was corroborated by the San Diego County coroner's office on February 3rd, two days after her death. Later reports amend the specific cause of death to cardiac arrest—a result of the septic shock brought on by the intestinal stenosis.”
1988年2月5日,O'Rourke被安葬在Westwood Village Memorial Park Cemetery。
我们非常喜爱这部电影,只是没想到戏后却隐藏着许多的悲哀故事,最可悲的事是可爱的Carol Anne已经不在世上这么久了……